Volunteering/Service Learning
Students can check in the Career Center, the Scoop, or the Volunteer Center of Brown County for upcoming opportunities. Offerings listed in the Scoop or the Volunteer Center of Brown County website are already preapproved. If you think of something on your own, get it preapproved in the Career Center.
Verification of Volunteer Hours Form
The Volunteer Center of Brown County
Check out our JOB & VOLUNTEER BOARD for opportunities as they come in to us!
See the Presidential Service Awards site for which opportunities are eligible/qualified for awards and which are not.
Service Learning Awards:
Civic Engagement Awards
This is a Green Bay School District award. CEA can be earned each year for hours completed between May 1 and April 30.
25-49 hours = white ribbon
50-74 hours = red ribbon
75-99 hours = blue ribbon
President’s Volunteer Award
This is a national award for any student who has completed 100 or more qualified hours between May 1 and April 30. PVA can be earned each year.
100-174 hours = bronze
175-249 = silver
250 + hours = gold
Graduation Service Learning Cords
This is a Green Bay School District award for any student who has earned at least 100 hours during their high school career. Cords will be worn at graduation and the honor will be noted in the program. Hours must be turned in by April 30.
Students working toward an award must have their hours turned in by April 30 of the year they are receiving an award. The awards for qualifying students must be ordered May 1 (by Student Services).