Standardized Testing
Use these websites to help prepare for various tests:
Accuplacer practice - use Next-generation practice sets
Accuplacer - use this site to update your Math, reading, and sentence skills
Accuplacer - download the FREE web based study Accuplacer Study App
Khan Academy - update your Math and Algebra skills
ACT Test prep is offering ACT free practice tests that would help students to identify their areas of strengths, weaknesses and predict ACT scores. Students can take free tests here - ACT Practice Test -
Test prep - ACT, SAT, AP, PSAT, TOEFL - go to your Classlink click on the ACT Suite icon then the Learner Express ACT prep icon - choose you test
Varsity Tutors (all tests)
Test Registration/Dates:
Accuplacer - Check in the Career Center for details
TABE - Check in the Career Center for details
ASVAB -Check in the Career Center for details