Job Opportunities
As job opportunities come in to us, find them here on our Job & Volunteer Board!
Job Information
Job Search Websites
- · Job Center of Wisconsin --
- · Snag a job --
- · Cool Works --
- · Grocery-Store- Applications --
- · Green Bay Area Public School District 21st Century Community Learning Center (CLC Program Assistant)
Job Shadow and Class Shadow Information
JOB SHADOW is a career exploration experience where students learn about a career by walking through a part of the workday as a "shadow" to a professional in a local business, industry or organization. The job shadowing experience is a temporary, unpaid exposure to the workplace in an occupational area of interest to the student. Students witness firsthand the work environment, employability and occupational skills in practice, the value of post-high school education and training, and potential career options. Job shadowing is designed to reinforce the link between the high school classroom and work requirements. JOB SHADOW OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CAREER CENTER.
This year's Group career exploration opportunities in healthcare:
The Greater Green Bay Healthcare Alliance is offering a series of group career exploration opportunities, The following opportunities are designed for high school students and young adults, ages 14 and 21years, and will provide an in-depth look at a variety of healthcare careers. Attendees will learn about working conditions, education requirements, employability skills and other relevant information. Some of the sessions are also providing an informational session for parents/guardians while students are attending the event.
Online REGISTRATION is required for all sessions. A signed PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM (If under the age of 18 years) is also required for all sessions. Go to for a complete list and description of all offerings.
NWTC invites you to come to their classrooms and get a glimpse into the lives of their students. Whatever program you are interested in, they can make it happen! Contact NWTC for more details at: