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Green Bay Area Public School District









Student Parking

Completed applications must be turned into the Main Office by June 7, 2024 in order to be able to pick your parking permit up at registration in August. Applications must be complete before they will be processed for approval or to be put on the waiting list. Please do not send payment with your application. Payment is due at the time permits are picked up.

Applying for a Parking Permit

  • Applicants must possess a valid Wisconsin driver’s license at time of application in order to apply for a permit. You must show your license when purchasing your permit. 
  • Parents/Guardians must certify that the vehicle(s) described on the application are insured at the minimum limits established by the Board of Education:  $10,000 property damage; $25,000 bodily injury per person; $50,000 total bodily injury per accident. 
  • The yearly parking fee is $75.00. For one semester only, the fee is $37.50. 
  • Applicants with outstanding fees, fines, and policy violation consequences are not eligible for a parking permit until payment is made in full (no payment plans) or consequences served.  You can check the status of your account in the Main Office.

Notification of initial recipients will be posted on the Southwest North Entrance doors by August 12. If your name is listed, you will be able to pick up your permit during Registration or in the Main Office between 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. starting on August 12. Notices will not be mailed to the student nor will parents or students be able to confirm by phone.
Please understand that parking at Southwest High School is a privilege and spaces are limited. We may not be able to fulfill all requests. We will do our best to serve as many Southwest students as possible.

 All students that park in the Southwest parking lot during school hours must have a valid Southwest parking pass appropriately displayed in their vehicle. 

Apply for a Student Parking Pass

Parking pass applications are available to download and print. Copies are also available in the main office.


Parking Pass Application


General Information

Can students park in Guest Parking? 

No. Students cannot park in guest parking at any time. Students found to be parking in guest parking will be ticketed.

Where can students park? 

If a student has a parking permit: park in the North (main) parking lot only. All student spaces have white paint lines. Yellow paint lines designate staff parking. If a student does not have a parking permit: park on the frontage road north of school that runs parallel to Mason. It runs past McDonald's, Hardees, the gas station, etc. 

Why can't I purchase a parking pass if I can find an empty space in the lot?

We do not oversell the lot. There may be a student with a pass who is absent for the day or it may be a traveling student with a parking pass.

Can students use handicap parking? 

Students are welcome to use handicap parking as long as their vehicle is appropriately marked (either via license plate or hanging handicap sticker.) Handicap parking is available in the North (main) lot, in front of the school, and behind the school. Students with a handicap sticker may use any of the handicap spaces. 

Tickets for misusing handicap parking are $100 - this includes the diagonal lines next to the space. Please be aware of where you are parking as these tickets will not be rescinded!

Can students pull into parking stalls? 

No. All students need to back into their parking spaces. This ensures that their parking pass will be readily visible to the parking monitor.

Can students get a parking pass once they have their temps?

No. Students must have a valid Wisconsin driver’s license in order to purchase a permanent parking pass. Note: Students can purchase a parking pass with the temporary paper license that is provided by the DMV.

Can students share, borrow, or sell their parking permits? 

No. Students may not share, borrow, or sell their parking pass. Any student found to have done this may have their pass revoked.

Are student parking permits revocable? 

Yes. Please see the parking permit application for more information on reasons for which a pass may be revoked.

Purchasing Passes

Day Parking Passes

  • Day Passes are sold at the Security Desk before 7:30 am. Day passes will not be sold after 7:30 am.
  • Day Passes cost $1/day. 
  • Day Passes must be placed on the driver's side of the dashboard. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the pass is visible - tickets will not be rescinded for passes that are hidden or blocked.
  • THERE ARE LIMITED DAY PASSES AVAILABLE. This is because we have a limited number of spaces in our lot. Day passes sell out some days.
  • What do I do if I don’t have a pass and there are no day passes available? 
  • You can park on the frontage road by Mason. Please pay attention to signs regarding parking posted on the road. The frontage road runs past the gas station, McDonald's, and Hardees. This parking area is not maintained by Southwest, it is simply the nearest parking to Southwest that students may elect to use.

Permanent Parking Passes

  • They are sold in the Main Office until the supply is depleted. 
  • They cost $75/year or $37.50/semester. All fees/fines on the student account must be paid off before the student can purchase a parking pass.
  • Only one pass is sold to each student regardless of the number of vehicles the student may drive to school. The pass MUST be moved between vehicles so that it is always present in the vehicle that the student is currently driving to school. If a student does not move their pass, they will need to purchase a day pass.
  • Permanent passes must hang from the rear view mirror with the printed side facing the windshield.
  • Students must bring their license with them to the Main Office when they intend to pick up their parking pass.


I got a ticket. What do I do?

Tickets are the responsibility of the vehicle owner/driver. Tickets will not be rescinded for  improperly parked vehicles, vehicles with an improperly placed pass (intentionally or accidentally), vehicles without a pass etc. 

I bought a parking pass last year. Do I get free pass this year? 

Passes are only good for one year. Each year you drive to school you need to purchase a new pass.

I got a new car. What do I do? 

You need to fill out a change of vehicle form then bring it to the Main Office or speak with the secretary in the main office. A paper copy of this form is available in the Main Office. You can also download and print the New Vehicle Form.

I have multiple cars. Do I have to buy multiple passes? 

Only one pass is given to each student driver, regardless of the number of vehicles they may drive to school. The pass needs to be moved between vehicles each time the student changes vehicles. 

Do I need to turn my parking pass in at the end of the year? 

Yes. Parking passes do need to be turned in. A fee will be applied to your account for lost or damaged passes as well as passes that are not turned in.

My pass has been stolen. What do I do?

Go to the Main Office immediately to report the theft. Replacement fees will still apply.

I was in a car accident in the parking lot. Who do I talk to? 

Accidents should be immediately reported to the Green Bay Police at (920) 448-3200 to get an accident report. You should also report the accident to administration at Southwest.

I got in a car accident and my car (and pass!) are gone. What do I do? 

Please stop in the Main Office to purchase a replacement pass. 

When can I apply for a parking pass for next school year? 

Parking pass applications for next school year will be available in May of the year prior. Please listen for the announcements for when the applications are available. 

Guest Parking

Location: Guest parking is located ONLY in the North (main) lot. The spaces are on the school side of the lot next to the handicap spaces. Look for the signs stating "Visitor Parking". 

If there are no guest spaces available please let the Security Desk know and they will be able to provide you with a day pass. The Security Desk is located just inside the doors from the North parking lot. 

All guests should stop at the Security Desk on their way into the building to pick up a Visitor's Badge and stop on their way out to turn the badge back in. 

Still have questions? Please call the Southwest Main Office at (920) 492-2650.